
We have chosen a product made from 100% organic cotton in India by EarthPositive®/ Continental Clothing Company.

As we grow we hope to explore more socially and environmentally responsible fabric and production methods.

EarthPositive® is produced exclusively from organic Indian cotton, and the entire production process is controlled and certified in accordance with the latest version of GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)

Continental Clothing Company has been licensed under the Global Organic Standard since 2007.

For the past five years the Company has been the largest organic textile licensee of the Soil Association.

100% of the EarthPositive® production undergoes annual audits to comply with the FWF (Fair Wear Foundation) Code of Labour Practices in accordance with the International Labour Organisation's conventions.

Continental Clothing Company has been a member of FWF since 2006.

EarthPositive® is made in manufacturing facilities powered by green renewable energy, from low-impact raw materials. The carbon footprint of EarthPositive® products has been reduced by some 90% and the calculations were certified under the PAS2050 standard by the Carbon Trust in the UK between 2007-2009.

This vertically integrated garment factory in Tamil Nadu, Southern India, is the primary manufacturing facility of Continental Clothing Co. The state-of-the-art technology and ultra-modern infrastructure provide the setting for the textile industry's leading showcase of socially and environmentally responsible production.