Progress Through Connection

Running solo can be cathartic (almost psychedelic) and will always be special to me.  However, the camaraderie, the motivation and the support that comes from running in a group is magical.


Getting overtaken by the same bloke twice in a weekend proved to be the genesis of a WhatsApp group.  The WhatsApp group, affectatiously labelled Northern Rivers Track Club, developed into a community of friends that run together.

I was tracking along nicely at the first local Parkrun after the initial Covid lockdowns. With 600m to go, I was caught and passed.  I was all arms and legs trying to cover the unexpected move, whereas this other guy looked smooth and easy.

The following morning I was well into my long run, with only 2km and a nasty hill between me and the car. I'd been cruising slowly all morning until the same guy from Parkrun appears on my right shoulder and goes to pass me... again. Having seen his name (Tim) in the Parkrun results, I said hello and introduced myself.

Moments later we're shoulder-to-shoulder, running uphill fast, trying to maintain a conversation whilst simultaneously appearing not to struggle.  We said we'd see each other at next week's Parkrun, and pencilled in a long run for the following Sunday.

We've run together nearly every Sunday since.

After this initial succesful piece of networking, I started to ask anyone who finished around us at Parkrun to join in for a cool down, after which I'd invite them to join our Sunday long run. Tim also spread the word, and others have been picked up along the road. The whatsapp group ticked into double figures.

Among us is a former world record holder for 24 hours on a treadmill, a professional obstacle course racer, a podium finisher at the 2021 Australian 100K Champs, some decent younger guys and Tim, who is the most accomplished of us all (he was coming off an injury lay off the day he first overtook me at Parkrun).

I'm now very happy to be the slowest guy in a decent group because it challenges and motivates me to make progress.



Progress Running Club Australia, August 16th 2021