Progress Despite Disappointment

Like thousands of others, I was due to be on the start line for the Gold Coast Marathon on July 4th.  I'd trained consistently since March 2020, when Covid hit, and I'd committed to the Goldy by December.  This meant mentally preparing for a marathon (and a marathon training block) and beginning to build an aerobic base.

16 weeks out from race day, I was into the block.  I think it's possible to fit half- marathon training around normal life.  But a marathon block requires sacrifice and single- mindedness.

On the Wednesday before the race, I did a tune- up session.  I feel sluggish if I don't do a low volume speed workout in the final week of a taper.  It gets my HR up and keeps the body ticking over without overloading the legs.

When I got back to the car I heard on the radio that the Gold Coast was entering a snap 3 day lockdown which would take us through to Friday at 6pm.  The race was cancelled soon after, which hadn't seemed like a remote possibility just a few days earlier.

It momentarily felt like mourning a loss.  All that preparation and sacrifice wasted.

Or was it?  Millions of people have had their lives and livelihoods disrupted or destroyed by Covid-19 and I'd missed a Fun Run.  I'd ran a 5K and a half marathon PB during the block, I was in great running shape and I'd learnt a lot about executing a marathon build.  I'd made heaps of progress despite the setback.

That weekend I did Parkrun and then an extended cool down.  The paths were overflowing with runners doing their GC races virtually.  Some had supporters and drinks tables out and others wore their race bibs. For a while I jumped on the back of a group who were marshalling a mate to her maiden 42.2K.  It was one of the best running atmospheres I'd experienced.

I strung together consecutive down weeks, hit some rainforest trails for a change and reflected on why I started run in the first place: physical fitness, mental wellbeing and pure enjoyment.

Progress banked... ready for next time


Progress Running Club Australia, August 4th 2021